We believe in the power of Jesus Christ to change lives . . .
and envision a future where countless people all over Northern Uganda are restored through His love.
Join us in this great endeavor!

What we do
Our mission is to equip and empower the people of Northern Uganda to rebuild their lives on the foundation of Christ.
Ready to Impact

The impact of Jesus’ love
Jesus said that He came to the world to preach the good news to the poor, to give sight to the blind, to bind up the broken-hearted, and to release the oppressed. He is still doing that today through you and me!

Read our stories & updates
How the Love of Jesus Changed Four Kids’ Lives!
Francis was at the end of his rope. He was young and carried a yoke of responsibility he didn’t know how to shoulder. For sure, his entire life had been a struggle, born into poverty and void of opportunities, but things were different now that both of his parents were dead. First, his father had passed and now his mother. This left Francis as the head of his family with two younger sisters and a three-year-old brother.
With no education, land, or assets, the only thing Francis could do was earn a small income working in other people’s gardens and herding their cattle. But no matter how hard and long he worked, there was never enough food to put on their table. Francis felt stuck, overwhelmed, and alone. Read more . . .
Transform children’s Lives
through these three initiatives.