How the Sacrifices of One Man Changed His Homeland

Every week, George pedaled his bicycle for over three hours as fast as he could. He was a busy young man with responsibilities as a husband, father, pastor, and teacher . . . but despite theses demands, he was determined to grow in his knowledge of God.

So George traveled through bushes on winding trails to reach his discipleship group that was meeting in another district. Then after two hours of learning and sharing, he would pedal the long distance back, hoping to beat the darkness before reaching home.

After a year of George’s back and forth, we sat down to interview him. We wanted to know more about what was behind his zeal and sacrificial commitment. Without hesitation, George told us that making those long trips had been an easy choice and so worth it. . . he was hungry to know more about Jesus and wanted to be His disciple. Even more, he wanted to take back these Bible teachings to change the lives of his people.

After talking to George, we decided it was our turn to travel the distance to his homeland. What we found was the most remote place we had ever been, with people scattered across a vast geographical area that was completely off the grid. Government help was nonexistent as was any outside intervention.

Pastors were there, but they were untrained and discouraged. Bibles were rare, with some churches not having even one. The schools we saw looked like mud shells with no desks, books, or supplies . . . and water wells were so scarce that some women couldn’t remember ever seeing one. The hardest part was seeing the hopelessness of the people.

As you can imagine, it didn’t take long to realize that God was calling us to this place. This was part of His plan, beginning with what He put in the heart of this one man. And so we immediately sent one of our best discipleship trainers as a missionary to this region. He was an answer to their prayers and was welcomed with open arms. Right away, impact was felt, because God had already prepared the people’s hearts.

Now, three years later, discipleship groups are flourishing throughout this region, and Bibles continue to be widely distributed. Pastors and Christian leaders are receiving theological training, and churches are growing stronger. People are committed to marriage and family trainings, and they are growing their incomes through our farming project. Six water wells have also been drilled that serve over 3,000 people with more being planned.

George recently told us, “We were living in abject poverty, ignorance and backwardness, but now we have been awakened by the Word of God. My life has drastically changed and seeing many others change brings joy to me. God is the true solution to our problems! It is all about God!”

George is now working with EWT as a discipleship trainer and is one of our best leaders. We praise God for this young man and for the vision, fortitude, and love He put in him! He is a beautiful testimony of what can happen when we believe in the transforming power of Jesus Christ!

Betty McLelland