God Works All Things for Good

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During the pandemic, things have been different and transitions have become a way of life for most of us. One of the unexpected disruptions we had was when the government of Uganda pressured us to send our older boys (who live at Jireh Children’s Home) back to their relatives in the village. If you were one of those children, can you imagine going from the nice, dry sleeping quarters at Jireh Children’s Home . . . to sleeping on the ground in a mud hut? Even more, think of the difficulty of being removed from the relationships and emotional support that have brought so much transformation to your life. This is exactly what many of our boys had to do—and for all of them, we thank God for how He has used their challenges to build character and strength in their lives. We want to share with you the story of John Mike.

John Mike is one of our young teenagers who has lived at Jireh Children’s Home since he was five years old.  Transitioning from Jireh was a huge change for John Mike—a transition that made us feel concerned too. When John Mike was sent back to his village, our social workers visited him at his home frequently, took school supplies and food, and just generally checked in with him.

What we found, much to our surprise and joy, was John Mike translating his Bible for the people in his village! He was not only teaching them God’s Word, but he was also teaching the younger children English. On top of that, John Mike was getting up early every day to teach the people better farming practices! (You know, the basics like mulching, crop rotation and weed eradication!)  No doubt John Mike is an intelligent and resourceful boy, but the strength and character he has demonstrated in his home village has been nothing short of amazing. How we thank God for John Mike and his leadership by example.

John Mike simply says, “God has taught me that everything happens for good . . . He holds the world in His hands . . . He is God Almighty . . . His love endures forever . . . He is my provider and help in times of need.”  

John Mike has taught us so much during this pandemic. May we all use the transitions that have occurred for mighty transformation in the Kingdom of God.  And may we embrace Romans 8:28:“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”



Betty McLelland