God's Love Never Leaves Us

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COVID-19 has changed us all in one way or another.  For most of us, our “normal” has been changed or interrupted or even halted completely. Praise God, as Christians we have a hope that transcends the circumstances of this world.  We may not love the harsh and uncertain events around us, but we serve God who can use the events to accomplish His great purposes. He is still at work; He is still sovereign.

Our children in Uganda have not been exempt from the influence of the pandemic. As a matter of fact, many of our children were idle and bored in the beginning as they waited for schools to reopen. Although the government offered online classes, our children are the poorest in the country and online classes were simply not available to them. One of our teenagers, Lydia Akello, said: “This pandemic affected my life in many ways. At first, I was worried, anxious, and fearful of dying and losing those I love through COVID-19.” Lydia is in our child sponsorship. Her mom is involved in Bible studies and our farming project as well.

Because the churches have been closed, so have the children’s programs in the churches. Lydia said she missed the opportunity of being with friends at church and praying together. 

Our Equipping With Truth team has been praying since the beginning of the pandemic that we would not “miss a beat” in terms of ministry and service. We felt strongly that our first resort was to pray and seek God’s guidance. We have prayed for opportunities and open eyes to see new ways of reaching folks for Jesus. We have asked God for creativity and a fresh enthusiasm for discipleship.

God has answered in a mighty way through Power Up. Power Up is program for children while schools are closed. In the mornings, a team of tutors goes with our staff into the villages. The staff and tutors, donned with face masks, deliver study packages to the children.  The packages not only contain schoolwork, but also personal growth studies.

The children also have the opportunity to go one-by-one to counselors for guidance and encouragement on issues they are facing in their lives right now.  Lydia said, “Counseling time is helping me change self-defeating behaviors, improve communications, and has given me relief from depression and anxiety.” Children in sixth grade and up are reading and journaling through the New Testament over the next 14 weeks.  Lydia says this has helped her “to know God better and build confidence in His Word.”

After the morning session of Power Up is done, the children have lunch, and then all community children can come and hear messages from the staff—messages on purity, what it means to stand for Jesus, peer pressure, fear, etc. They have a praise and worship time as well.

The children have been doing service projects for the elderly, widows and others who are vulnerable. They clean up the compounds, carry water, run errands, cook, share some of their own food, pray and do whatever else they can to bless.

We asked Lydia if the Lord had taught her anything through the pandemic.  She answered, “He has taught me that God cares for His children.  God is able to bring good things out of bad things. God is still at work, even in the middle of COVID-19.  His love endures forever; His love is everywhere.”

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever.”  Psalm 136:1

Betty McLelland