The Joy of Giving Fills the Hearts of Our Children
Our kids are busy doing service projects and learning that no matter how much or how little you have, you can always bring joy to someone else’s life. That’s exactly what these kids experienced a few weeks ago when they decided to make a surprise visit to the home of a 72-year-old woman named Sabina.
Sabina’s life has been filled with struggles, much more than most. She has suffered the loss of three children and then buried her husband in 2010. Then four years ago, Sabina lost her health. It happened after a hot day in her garden when she felt a pain pierce through her body that left her partially paralyzed. She now depends on her six and eight-year-old grandchildren to help her fetch water and work in the garden.
When the children arrived, Sabina was overjoyed and told them they had been sent by God. The boys immediately went to work, washing and cleaning everything in sight. The girls started fetching water . . . enough to give Sabina a good supply. Then, to Sabina’s surprise, each child gave her a cup of beans and a cup of maize, which amounted to a month’s supply. It's hard to imagine the significance of their gift, as many of these children had just been taken off our food relief list.
Before the children left, they prayed for Sabina and she told them, “You make me know God loves me so much . . . and you make me see the mighty hand of God in my life.” Sabina was not the only one who was blessed that day. The kids couldn’t stop smiling and have never seemed happier. It didn’t seem to matter that most of them lived in huts not much better than Sabina’s or had only a small amount to give. These children had learned they didn’t need a lot to make someone happy and feel loved.
Raphael’s Testimony about Serving
Raphael suffers from sickle cell and lost his father when he was five. His mother owns no land and they live from hand-to-mouth. We thank God that Raphael is now in our sponsorship program and for all that God is doing in his life.
At first I was worried when they told me that we were doing a service project. I thought, what could I contribute.
But before we visited Sabina, my group leader said everyone could contribute a cup of beans and a cup of maize. Since it is harvest time, I thought I could do that. But I wanted to contribute something bigger than this to Sabina, but I didn’t know what it could be.
Then after visiting Sabina and giving her food, fetching her water, cleaning around her home and praying with her, I learned that I don’t need to worry about what to share, because God has loved me. Sharing His love, my smile, a prayer, a hug, a word of encouragement, food items and time- all these are freely God-given gifts I possess.
Sharing them with Sabina taught me that I don’t need a lot to make someone happy and feel loved. I need to love and bless others just like He has blessed me and my family. God has taught me that His love is free and there is always enough to give.