This is a Powerful Story that Will Warm Your Heart


This is one of those stories that makes one just stand back and say, “WOW, God! Only You could do that.” Once again God has demonstrated His faithfulness to two generations of men—one, a prisoner in America, and the other, a 13-year-old boy in Uganda. This story is a modern-day, lived-out version of Psalm 119:90: “Your faithfulness continues through all generations, you established the earth, and it endures.”

Even in a pandemic, even in a prison, even in a thatched hut—God’s faithfulness endures.
Meet Jason. Jason is a 41-year old man who has been in prison over 14 years. Despite drug and alcohol abuse, Jason has lived clean for many years and even finished his associate’s degree with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Jason will be the first to tell you that education changes lives. But more than that, his testimony is that Jesus Christ changes lives.

Sadly, because of government budget problems in the US, Jason’s opportunity to continue his education was brought to an abrupt halt. Jason was devastated and felt the pain of having his dream of an education crushed.

A world away in Uganda, 13-year-old Emmanuel, the smartest student in his grade, has his tuition waived for a time by his headmaster in hopes that Emmanuel’s parents can soon afford it. However with 11 children, Emmanuel’s fragile, aging parents will soon have to see their gifted son drop out just like all their other children.

In marvelous twists and turns of a plot that only God Himself could orchestrate, Jason paid for Emmanuel’s school and child sponsorship (with money he had been saving for over 10 years). Jason also sent money for a Christmas dinner for Emmanuel’s family. He sent money to help build our EWT dormitory and money to stock a classroom. So you see, Jason became Emmanuel’s sponsor, and Emmanuel became Jason’s son.
In this photo, you can see Emmanuel receiving a letter from Jason. Part of the letter reads:

“Dear Emmanuel,
When the Holy Spirit told me to begin supporting a child at Equipping With Truth’s school in Uganda, I asked the ministry to find a very smart student, and they gave me you. They say that you are both very, very smart, and a hard worker. I happened to pick up EWT’s newsletter and read it… and God moved me to give to their ministry. Some of that money is going to sponsor you, which means God had me start saving for your education over a decade ago. He knows exactly what we need and when we will need it, and when we do our part by living for Him and working hard, He connects us with the right people to bring blessings our way—even from halfway around the world. You are highly favored by God, Emmanuel, so please trust that He loves you and will always provide for you.”

Indeed, God’s faithfulness continues—and we praise Him for His faithfulness, even during a pandemic, even a world away, even in a prison, even in a thatched hut.


Written by Gigi Johnston

Betty McLelland