Change is Happening in the Lives of Our Farmers

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We are in the midst of a very busy season with farming and can hardly believe how far the Lord has brought us. Four years ago, we introduced our pilot farming project to 90 farmers, and today the program has reached 1,200 farming

All of our farmers have come up through our discipleship program and have formed farming groups based on their discipleship clusters. In turn, we have united all those groups into a cooperative, which has empowered them to compete with large-scale producers.

If we could transport you there right now, you would see a bumper harvest and farmers moving back and forth, carrying sacks of soy to their community warehouses. There, we are bulking their soy and storing it until the price in the market increases. We thank God for the shift in thinking that has taken place in the minds of our famers. Many are now making decisions with a long term vision.

James is one of those farmers. He recently told us, “Just a year ago, my family was using hand hoes, pangas and shovels to farm and could only cultivate two of our six acres of land. But with the money we earned from last year’s harvest, we bought a pair of oxen and a plow.”

James’ decision paid off, as this year he will triple his production and income, and be able to send all of his children to school. He and his wife, Margaret, are so grateful and give all the praise to God. James told us, “The love of God is flowing through this program to the unreached and lowly.” And we say, “Amen to the goodness of God!!!”

Betty McLelland