Our Mission and Vision

We believe in the power of Jesus Christ to transform lives, and we envision a future in which countless individuals and their families and communities in Northern Uganda are restored through the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is at the heart of who we are and what we do. Our mission is to help people rebuild their lives on the foundation of Christ.

Our Strategy

We equip pastors and Christian leaders to share the gospel and nurture discipleship so that men, women, boys and girls can become new creations in Christ. We distribute Bibles so that people can build their lives on God's Word. We support children so that they can reach their God-given potential in life and be prepared for lives of service that will impact their families, communities and nation for the cause of Christ. We empower communities to rebuild their infrastructures and help families develop livelihoods so that they can experience dignity in their lives. We believe that if Jesus is "Lord of all" then discipleship impacts all aspects of life.

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