I Feel Like a Young Girl Again!
At seventy-five, Anna wears a back brace and hasn’t had her teeth for a long time. Her body is worn from all the years of hard work, and her face is lined with wrinkles . . . but there is a vibrancy in Anna that is captivating.
Anna couldn’t stop whirling and twirling as she told us what studying God’s Word has meant to her life. She said, “I used to be a drunk and was so angry all the time. Now I am like a young girl again! It is like I have been let out of prison. Thank you for bringing the Word of God while I’m still alive.”
Anna’s life is still hard. She remains a widow with few possessions, but she now has the priceless gifts of forgiveness, peace, hope, love and faith in Jesus Christ. It has brought a real joy to Anna’s life like nothing she had ever known. And for the rest of her life she wants to follow Jesus.