The Joy of Worship


Every Sunday our Children’s Chapel (at our EWT Center) fills up with kids from surrounding villages. They are there early waiting for chapel services to begin. They sing, dance, testify, and learn about God through Bible stories. Some of the chapel members are so little they are just learning to walk and others are teens who are going to church for the first time. Whatever their ages, they remind us just how much joy there is in worshiping and serving God. For them, there are no inhibitions . . . no holding back . .  just pure expressions of their love for Jesus and thanks for what He has done for them.

The children are in charge of all aspects of the worship at our chapel. They make up the worship team, read the Scriptures, take up the offering, and are being trained to help teach. We are seeing God build strong leaders among this younger generation who are becoming change-makers for Him.

Betty McLelland