Testimonies of Change


"Before I had no hope. I was always sick with my pancreas and had given up. Now with Bible study I want to live. Now I am strong even though my body is weak." ~Petra


"Before well, fetching water was very far. I would go at noon and come back three hours later. So many were in line and people would quarrel. This water has united two tribes on the boarder of Teso and Lango. We now have no more insults and no more quarreling. I am so grateful to God for this great gift. My community is changing." ~Evelyn


"Before, never understood anything from the Bible. Now I can understand so well and Bible guides my life. Our husbands were very rigid before, but because of Word, their hearts have been transformed. Women believe it is Word of God that has changed hearts of husbands." ~Grace


"I am now doing well in terms of business. I can make and sell bricks because I have water. The borehole has also made typhoid and other diseases history in our community. There has been such great change. Because of water, people are now studying God's Word and we have love and unity." ~Emmanuel

Betty McLelland