Giving Glory to God for the Gift of Clean Water
So many times we pray for something, and then when God answers our prayers, we barely give Him a nod. Not the people of Barr. They had been crying out to God for clean water for so long, and when it came, it was time for dedication and celebration.
One of the leaders said, “We prayed so hard for water because we had struggled for so long. Praise God, we now have a source where the water is so pure that disease is overcome. When you give someone water, it means you love them and have opened the door for everything.”
At the dedication of the water well, the most beautiful and moving thing was the joy on the women’s faces as they testified of the greatness of God. For them, it was like being released from prison . . . being given a new chance at life. No longer did they have to spend hours and hours every day walking long distances, carrying fifty-pound water jugs on their heads.
Molly was excited, when she spoke for the women: “Our legs are no longer cracked. Our clothes are clean and we have time for other things.”
God has been so faithful to answer the cries of these people through EWT partners. This year, four new wells have been drilled, two more were repaired, and two more are on the way. Thousands of people now have clean water, and it is changing their lives.